Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1) I have learned how to test GPS products and how to wire them. I have also learned that technology will not always work 100% all the time and that is what a lot of people think.


3) The research that helped me learn this is my service learning. One of the employees at Star Sensor Technology, Alberto, taught me how to test the GPS products and how to wire them.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1. I plan on doing 30 additional hours of my service learning for my first independent component.

2. My plan will meet those 30 hours by going to my uncle's company Mon-Wed. for 2 hours each day. I should be able to complete those hours by the end of December along with my 50 service learning hours.

3. My independent component relates to my EQ because I will be getting hands on experience on working with electronic equipment. In return my time there may help me answer my EQ by discovering what it takes to be a successful electronic engineer.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1. My EQ is "What is most important to being a successful electronic engineer?"
2.By successful I mean that you are proficient at your job and have all the knowledge needed.
3. Internship, Knowledge, Education, and Patience.
4. My most important source right now is my uncle. My uncle Tony, has a bachelor's degree in the field of eletronic engineering. My uncle also is part owner of Star Sensor Technology, which is a comapny specializing in GPS tracking devices. Right now I am learning the ropes of how the company is run and what it takes to work there. During my time there I have learned how to solder, test the GPS devices, and a little bit about how the GPS units function.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Second Interview Questions

1. Are there any requirements to work at Star Sensor Technology? Like age, experience, knowledge etc.?
2. How long has Star Sensor Tech. been operational? Any problems along the way?
3. What kind of customer do you get? and why?
4. What does this company specialize in? Do you do anything else besides that?
5. Is your company working on any new projects? If so what?