Thursday, March 29, 2012

Research Check 14

- Resistance in electronics is a lot like friction in mechanical systems; it puts a stop on electrons as they move through materials.
- resistors are components that control amounts of resistance for electronic circuits.
- resistance is a measure of an object's opposition to the flow of electrons.
- resistance makes it possible to generate heat and light, restrict the flow of electric current, and ensures that the correct voltage is supplied to the device.
- resistance depends on several factors like material, cross-sectional area,length, and temperature.
- "R" is used to represent resistance in an electronic circuit.
- resistance is measured in ohms.
- kilohms is thousands of ohms and megohms is millions of ohms.
- LEDs eat up current and drain as much as they can, but can burn themselves out if they draw too much current and a resistor limits the amount of current sent to the LED.
- resistors also protect sensitive components such as a transistor.
- resistors come in two basic functions, fixed and variable.
- a fixed resistor supplies a constant, factory determined resistance.
- the actual resistance of a fixed resistor may vary up or down.(ex: a 1,000 ohm resistor with a 5% tolerance could range from 950-1050 ohms)
- high precision resistors come within a 1% of their nominal value.
- standard precision resistors can vary from 2% to 20% of their nominal values.
- a variable resistor also known as a potentiometer allows you to continually adjust the resistance from zero ohms to factory determined maximum value.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Research Check 13

- electron flow can be induced by moving a wire near a magnet and is called electromagnetic induction.
- alternating current is constantly changing and it's strength cannot be described with a single number.
- a common way in which to describe the variations is to look at a waveform or the pattern of the current over time.
- instantaneous current is the strength of the current at a single point in time.
- peak current is the magnitude of the current at its highest and lowest points.
- when the change in electron flow makes a complete loop it is called a cycle.
- the number of cycles per second in ac is known as frequency and is measured in hertz.
- AC is usually generated at 13,800 volts and then stepped up for transmission across long distances.
- when it reaches its destination, it is stepped down to 240 volts or 120 volts for distribution to homes and businesses.
- heaters, lamps, hair dryers, and electric razors are some electrical devices that use 120 volts AC directly.
- clothes dryers use 240 volts AC directly from a special wall outlet.
- many electronic devices like laptops require a steady DC supply.
- if you're using AC to supply power an AC-to-DC adapter is required to convert the AC power to DC power.
- solar cells produce a small voltage when you shine light on them.
- the voltage of solar cells is constant no matter how much light you shine on them.
- conventional current is the flow of a positive charge from positive to negative voltage and is just the reverse of real electron flow.
- In AC current the current is constantly reversing direction.
- a light bulb converts electrical energy into heat energy.
- voltage is sometimes called voltage drop, potential difference, or potential drop.
- a fundamental law of physics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Answer 2

I plan on addressing my EQ at the beginning and then stating one of my answers, which is adapting to new technologies. I will provide 3 examples/facts along with my sources.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Product

My product as of March is learning about a sries of fields an electronic enigneer can go into. I didn't know the different jobs an electronic engineer can do but thanks to my interview with my uncle Tony, I learned about the fields an electronic engineer can work in. I was also able to learn about what the differnet fields do in my research, for example a telecommunication worker is an electronic engineer that provides service for telephone, internet, and cable.